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italian01. Introduzione e presentazione

Course is: elearning with: 265 users subscribed


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italian02. Competenze didattiche del tecnico sportivo

Course is: elearning with: 265 users subscribed


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italian03. Sviluppo del bambino e dell'adolescente

Course is: elearning with: 265 users subscribed


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italian04. Lo sviluppo e l'apprendimento motorio

Course is: elearning with: 265 users subscribed


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italian05. Il Baseball FIVE

Course is: elearning with: 265 users subscribed


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italian06. Il Baseball e il Softball nella scuola

Course is: elearning with: 265 users subscribed


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italian07. Didattica e insegnamento

Course is: elearning with: 265 users subscribed


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italian08. Il moderno approccio allo sport

Course is: elearning with: 265 users subscribed


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italian09. Apprendimento delle abilità motorie

Course is: elearning with: 265 users subscribed


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italian10. Il gioco come strumento allenante ed educativo

Course is: elearning with: 265 users subscribed


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italian11. La comunicazione efficace

Course is: elearning with: 265 users subscribed


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italian13. Il Baseball per ciechi e ipovedenti

Course is: elearning with: 348 users subscribed


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italian14. Il lancio Baseball

Course is: elearning with: 266 users subscribed


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italian15. Il lancio Softball

Course is: elearning with: 266 users subscribed


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